किसान अपडेट
" समृद्ध सदस्य दिगो साकोस"

Kisan Saccos
ATM & Card Service

किसान साकोस एटिएम तथा कार्ड सेवा

ECO Friendly

वातावरण मैत्री

Minimum Noise Level

कम ध्वनी प्रदुषण: सहज प्रयोग

Linux Technology

लिनक्स प्रविधि: सुरक्षाको प्रत्याभुती

5 Star Rated

५ तारा : विश्वस्तरीय मानांक प्राप्त

Secure and Reliable

सुरक्षीत र भरपर्दो

SCT CARD All Banks

सबै बैंकको SCT कार्ड प्रयोग गर्न सकिने

VISA CARD : Everest Bank

एभरेष्ट बैंकको भिसा कार्ड प्रयोग गर्न सकिने

Union Pay Cards

युनियन पे बाट जारी भएका अन्तराष्ट्रिय कार्डबाट पैसा निकाल्न सकिने।

Kisan Saccos Debit Card

किसान साकोस डेबिट कार्ड

Kisan SCT Debit Card

Nepal, India and Bhutan
नेपाल, भारत र भुटानका 99% एटिएम मेसिनबाट पैसा निकाल्न सकिने।

एटिएम मेसिनबाट
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Why Kisan SCT Debit Card

Apply Now
Kisan Saccos Debit card enables you to make electronic transactions (cash withdrawal and purchase of goods and services through various POS terminals) at any time. Kisan Saccos Debit card is associated with Smart Choice Technologies Ltd (SCT). With Kisan Saccos Debit Card (SCT-UPI), individual can have easy access to their nominated account maintained with Kisan Saving & Credit Co-Operative Ltd. (Kisan Saccos) from any ATM location that is spread over more than 3,000 ATM terminals.

Further you can make purchase of goods and services from more than 10,000 merchant locations through Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals. Kisan Saccos Debit card is accepted at all ATMs associated to SCT network and merchant locations that display/accept SCT UPI Debit Cards.


Individuals (major) having savings account at Kisan Saving & Credit Co-Operative Ltd. (Kisan Saccos).

Key Features

Access to wider ATM network throughout the nation
PIN based secured transaction mechanism for every withdrawals and purchase
Own your cards with 4 years validity
Wide acceptance within Nepal
Prompt SMS and email transaction alerts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What is SCT Debit Card?

SCT Debit Card is a debit Card linked to your Kisan Saving & Credit Co-Operative Ltd. (Kisan Saccos) account that allows you access your account round the clock.

How long is my Card valid for?

Your card is valid for 4 years.

Where can I use my Kisan Saccos SCT Debit card?

You can use your Kisan Saccos SCT Debit card at any ATM or retail store in Nepal displaying SCT Logo.

Transaction Limit
1. Maximum withdrawl limit per transaction NPR 16,000/-
2. Minimum withdrawal limit per transaction NPR 5,00/-
3. Maximum limit of withdrawal per day NPR 50,000/-
4. Maximum number of transaction per day 5

Fees & Charges

S.N. Particulars Fees/Charges
1 Subscription Fee Rs.350
2 Annual Fee Rs.350
3 Cash Advance Fee From Kisan Saccos ATM NPR 30.00
4 Cash Advance Fee From Other ATMs NPR 30.00
5 Balance Enquiry Fee From Other ATMs NPR 15.00*
6 Exception Listing Fee (Stop, Unblock) NPR 350.00
7 PIN Reissuance Fee NPR 150.00
8 Card Reissuance Fee NPR 350.00
9 Card Replacement Fee NPR 350.00
10 Pre-Scheduled Renew & Renewal on Demand Fee NPR 350.00
11 Retrieval Request/Request for Copy Fee NPR 350 per transaction
12 Dispute Management Fee NPR 500 per transaction
13 *** Issued only with Visa Electron Debit
14 *Only for balance enquiries made outside Kisan Saccos's ATM network or POS network as applicable

ATM (Debit Card )

We are connected with SCT (smart choice network)
Easily withdraw money from all over Nepal
Card can be used for POS

ATM Location

February 25, 2025 @ 7:40 pm
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