किसान अपडेट
" समृद्ध सदस्य दिगो साकोस"

+ किसान साकोसको कुनै पनि खातामा पैसा पठाउनुहोस।

+ नेपालका सबैजसो बैंक खातामा पैसा पठाउनुहोस्।

+ ईसेवा र खल्ती वालेटमा पैसा लोड गर्नुहोस्।

+ क्यूआर स्क्यान गरि बिल तिर्नुहोस्।

+ बिद्युत, खानेपानी, टेलिफोनको बिल तिर्नुहोस्।

+ ईन्टरनेट, मोबाईल कल, टिभी च्यानल रिचार्ज सेवा ।

+ चेक प्रिन्टको लागि अडर गर्नुहोस्।

+ खाताको स्टेटमेन्ट सजिलै हेर्नुहोस्।

+ ईन्टरनेट नभएको पनि SMS बाट सेवा लिनुहोस।

+ सेवामा समस्या देखिए हटलाईन च्याटमा कुरा गर्नुहोस्।

+ पिन र पासवर्डहरु कसैलाई पनि नदिनुहोला।

  • Established in 2052 Ashad 15
  • Established in 2052 Ashad 15

अध्यक्ष श्री भोजराज पौडेल

President Bhojraj Poudel
अध्यक्षका शब्दहरु | President Words

प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत
सञ्जय तिमिल्सिना

CEO Sanjay Timilsina
प्रतिवद्धता | Commitement

किसान साकोस - गरुणदृष्टीबाट हेर्दा

Kisan Saccos Bird Eye View
Meetup of 25 people held on 2052 Ashad 15, motivated themselves for having regular saving from their income and use accumulated capital to provide loan in easy, simpler and reasonable interest rates for productive and daily needs, which will improve member's socio-economical status.
Kisan Saving and Credit Cooperative Limited was registered in D.C.O. Nawalparasi with registration number 41/52/53 and head-office located at opposite of Gaindakot municipal office, ward 8, Gaindakot Municipality, Nawalpur, Gandaki, Nepal.
३ प्रदेश
गण्डकी, बागमती र लुम्बिनी
४ जिल्ला
नवलपुर, नवलपरासी सु.प., चितवन र तनहुँ
Service Center
सेवा काउण्टर
Service Counter
शेयर सदस्यज्यूहरु
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कर्जा चुक्ता भुक्तान गर्न आउने बारेको ३५ दिने अत्यन्तै जरुरी सूचना
किसान बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था लि. नवलपरासी (ब.सु.पूर्व)को तपसिलका ऋणीहरुलाई कर्जा चुक्ता भुक्तान गर्न आउने बारेको...
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नतिजा प्रकाशन सम्बन्धी सुचना
सूचना नम्बर: ०९-८१/८२ प्रथम पटक प्रकाशित मिति: २०८१/११/१२...
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भित्तो तथा टेबल पात्रो प्रकाशन : दरभाउ पत्र माग गरिएको सूचना : ०८-०८१-८२
भित्तो तथा टेबल पात्रो प्रकाशन...
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२०८१ माघ मसान्त सम्मको अपरिष्कृत वित्तिय विवरण - किसान साकोस
सहकारी विभागको मिति २०७९/०४/३१को निर्देशन अनुसार यस संस्थाको मिति २०८१ माघ मसान्त सम्मको अपरिष्कृत वित्तिय विवर...
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११ बाल क्लबका बालबालिकाहरुलाई वित्तिय साक्षरता
"समृद्ध सदस्य दिगो साकोस " परिकल्पना का साथ अगाडी बढिरहेको यस यस किसान बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था लि. मिति २०८१माघ १९ ...
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आ.ब २०८१/०८२ को अर्धवार्षिक समिक्षा बैठक सम्पन्न
किसान साकोसको चालु आर्थिक वर्ष २०८१/०८२ को अर्धवार्षिक समिक्षा बैठक सम्पन्न भएको छ। चालु आर्थिक वर्षको अर्धवार्...
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श्री नेपाल राष्ट्रिय शारदा प्रा.वि. किर्तिपुर देवचुली पालिकामा विद्यार्थी संग किसान कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न
विद्यार्थी संग किसान कार्यक्रम अन्तरगत किसान साकोस देवचुली सेवा केन्द्रको आयोजनामा किर्तिपुर देवचुली पालिका अ...
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झोल साबुन बनाउने तालिम रजहर नवलपरासी सु.पु.का सदस्यहरुको उल्लेख्य सहभागितामा सम्पन्न
किसान बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था लि., जनमुखी सेवाकेन्द्र, रजहरको आयोजनामा संचालन भएको दुई चरणको झोल साबुन बनाउने ताल...
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११ बाल क्लबका बालबालिकाहरुलाई वित्तिय साक्षरता
"समृद्ध सदस्य दिगो साकोस " परिकल्पना का साथ अगाडी बढिरहेको यस यस किसान बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था लि. मिति २०८१माघ १९ ...
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आ.ब २०८१/०८२ को अर्धवार्षिक समिक्षा बैठक सम्पन्न
किसान साकोसको चालु आर्थिक वर्ष २०८१/०८२ को अर्धवार्षिक समिक्षा बैठक सम्पन्न भएको छ। चालु आर्थिक वर्षको अर्धवार्...
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श्री नेपाल राष्ट्रिय शारदा प्रा.वि. किर्तिपुर देवचुली पालिकामा विद्यार्थी संग किसान कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न
विद्यार्थी संग किसान कार्यक्रम अन्तरगत किसान साकोस देवचुली सेवा केन्द्रको आयोजनामा किर्तिपुर देवचुली पालिका अ...
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झोल साबुन बनाउने तालिम रजहर नवलपरासी सु.पु.का सदस्यहरुको उल्लेख्य सहभागितामा सम्पन्न
किसान बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था लि., जनमुखी सेवाकेन्द्र, रजहरको आयोजनामा संचालन भएको दुई चरणको झोल साबुन बनाउने ताल...
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Compulsory Saving Product
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जेष्ठ सदस्य सम्मान
सुत्केरी भेटघाट कार्यक्रम
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किसान साहारा कार्यक्रम
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बुहारी स्वागत सदस्यता
365 दिन सेवा
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नेत्र दान कार्यक्रम
किसान राष्ट्रिय पुरस्कार
पकेट क्षेत्र
महिला उद्यमी तालिम
उत्पादन प्रवर्द्धन - किसान मार्ट
लघुवित्त सम्मेलन
हार्दिक श्रद्धाञ्जली अर्पण
डस्टविन वितरण
सदस्य सम्मान
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नेत्र दान कार्यक्रम


What is eye donation?

It's giving your corneas upon death to help save and restore the sight of someone who is blinded by disease of the Cornea.

What is the cornea?

The cornea is the clear transparent window in front of the eye, and allows light to enter the eye. The cornea can be damaged by injury or infection.

How can corneal donation help people?

The cornea is a clear transparent layer of the Eye. Due to various factors, the corneas becomes opaque like frosted glass and this may result in loss of sight.A damaged or cloudy cornea can be replaced surgically by a procedure known as corneal grafting or transplantation. During this operation, the cloudy, diseased cornea is replaced by a healthy, normal cornea which is donated by another individual. After a successful transplant, vision can be restored to normal. Corneal donation therefore restores vision to those blinded by corneal disease.

The rate of success of corneal grafting is very high. So, a successful corneal graft can restore his/her sight and enable a person to regain independence.

Why should I consider corneal donation?

Because for many, the only hope of sight is offered by someone who donates his/her cornea. Donating your corneas is one of the most precious gifts you will ever bestow on another human being. This special gift will dramatically improve the quality of life for someone now living in darkness. Hundreds of people have been helped through corneal donation. They've been given a new lease on life because others have cared enough to be come donors. But, hundreds more are waiting for desperately needed corneal donations. The demand for corneas far exceeds the supply. People like you can help change the situation!

How does Corneal Opacity develop?

In Nepal, most of the people live in villages and depend upon agriculture. Agricultural and other industrial trauma to the cornea, corneal infections and lack of immediate medical treatment to corneal problems result in large number of corneal blind in developing countries like ours. Besides this, sometimes complications of diseases like measles, Typhoid, Small pox, Malnutrition, Eye surgeries etc. may cause cornea to become opaque.

Who can became an eye donor?

Most people think that to become an eye donor, they should have good vision. But the truth is that anyone can be an eye donor even if the donor is old. Wears glasses or is blind from causes other than corneal diseases. However if a person has Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C. HIV/AIDS, Syphilis or blood borne infectious diseases. s/he can't donate eyes.

How long after death can eyes be donated?

After death the donor eyes should be well closed and be protected from red powder (Abhir) and direct sunlight to protect the corneas. The corneas are removed from donor within 8 to 12 hours after death. Earlier the cornea is removed after death, better is the quality of cornea.

Will removal of the cornea disfigure the face?

No. The Eye Bank Technologists or Doctors will treat he dead body with respect and only the cornea is removed from the eyes (NOT THE WHOLE EYE BALL). So removal of the corneas does not disfigure the appearance of the face.

Can I donate my eyes if I have vision problems?

Yes! Your eyes may be useful even if you have poor vision. You are never too young or too old to be an eye donor. People with short-sightedness, long-sightedness, or astigmatism can also donate their eyes. Even people with eye diseases other than corneal disease can donate their eyes.

How can I become an eye or cornea donor?

It is better to discuss about eye donation with your family and friends. Donating corneal tissue does not entail any cost to the donor or the donor's family. If you decide to become an eye donor, you have to fill the eye donation form.

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Kisan Debit Card for Nepal and India ATM network with POS payment.
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February 25, 2025 @ 7:40 pm
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